Sunday, August 26, 2007

Class Reminder

I have my adorable Sesame Street Color Book Class today from 1-3pm and tomorrow will be the first Trash to Treasure class. Bring in 7 supscription cards and $5 and you will walk away with a super cute date book for birthdays and things.

Keep up the great organizing ideas, they are ROCKIN! Isn't it wonderful how different people have different ways of doing things and you can always learn something new. I just realized that the day I choose a name will also be the unveiling of the new Heart In Hand Scraps. Tammy has gotten some awesome instructors over there.

Ok I have to get everything packed for my class.


lori said...

my favorite organizational tip is to remove all stamps from the wooden blocks and put on EZ cling foam sheets. the stamps then can be stored in clear cd cases.

** i also stamp each set in a binder and give each a number. i then place a number sticker on each cd and store them in numerical order, so easy to find each stamp set!!!**

lori peuterbaugh

milkcan said...

My tip: Organize by how you scrap. Do you say "I want something red" or "I want a flower." If it's the former, organize by color. If it's the latter, organize by type of supply.