Sunday, April 22, 2007

A little help from your friends...

There is a family in the scrapbooking community who needs our help. Jen Gallacher (I'm sure you have seen her layouts in several magazines) and her family are dealing with the hardship. Joey, their 12 year old son has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Tania Willis has started a paypal account and a blog for the family. They have a long road ahead of them. You can read about them on the 2Peas board or the blog site is . It is amazing how someone that doesn't even know you can make such a change in your life. Almost $10,000 has been raised for this family. And as some of us learned from Ali Edward's fund raiser for Autism Speaks, it takes one person to tell one person .... So take a minute if you could and help support Jen and tell one person. You can make a difference.

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