Saturday, August 25, 2007

Ahhhh, fresh air!

The temps have finally given us a break, so we opened the house this morning and it has got me going. So this weekend I think I am going to purge my scraproom. I already have half of a big box full. So leave me your favorite organization idea and I will draw a name on September 1st! The more ideas you give me, the more times your name gets put in, so let me hear it, I need all the help I can get, LOL.


Unknown said...

my favorite way to keep up with my scraps of pp & card stock is to get a large accordian file. Sort scraps by color. The tabs at the top of the file can have a little piece of that color stuck in it so you can see. You could also have one for pp & one just for card stock if you have allot!!!!

Unknown said...

I have a large skinny towel bar that I have hung on one of my walls of my craft room. I purchased small hooks and I love to keep things like cricut mats, templates, and anything that can be hung from a hook on that towel bar.

Anonymous said...

my favorite orginizational tip is hanging ribbons above my scrapspace on a rope or a wooden pole type thing. it is very helpful.

Sarah M said...

I have a wall of peg board in my scrap room (it was there when we bought the house and I always hated it until we set me up in that part of our home office). Now I LOVE it!!! I can hang all sorts of scraping supplies up where I won't forget about them!

chel said...

I bought a whole bunch of those black and chrome paper clips (binder clips? I dunno what they are called) and went through my HUGE PP stash and made my own "coordinates"- stacks of about 30-50 PP (even from different companies) that go together well and are similar color/style. I clipped them together in little "kits". If there are any stickers, rub ons, chipboard, ribbons, etc, I also add them into the whole clipped package (the ribbon and emblellies in little baggies).

What I ended up with is sort of "paper pads" of coordinated products, my own kits in a way. Whenever I have a page to do, I look at the colors in the photo, look through my "kits" and am able to pull out everything that will match instantly.

I dunno if this helps, but it was a TON of fun to put together, and it's soo much easier to scrap having everything that coordinates in one place. It also has eliminated the "should I use this or this?" choices that I agonized over.

Beth said...

i am in the middle of soing this too. this is what is working for me. I have diffent boxes, each is labeled "cardstock" "embellies"
"pattern paper" "rubons" "dont want"
everything is sorted into the boxes. when i'm done it all will get resorted into colors, manufacturers, etc to fit the system i have set up for my stuff. this seems to be working really well for me and is making getting organized alot easier.

good luck. being organized feels so good.

{raisingAlexis} said...

Organize embellishments by color:

Using several of those 3-drawer units from Target, allocate one drawer per color. Add the large embellies loosely and include a small divided craft container (I got mine in Target $1 spot) for the small things like eyelets and brads. Whenever you need something in a certain color theme, it's all in one place to see!

{raisingAlexis} said...

Organize your rub-ons!

I use a 9x12 divided organizer with twelve sections. Then I organize by theme. Alphas in one section, words/phrases in another, flowers in another, etc.

They are all in one place, easy to browse through, and easy to take along to a crop!


C'mon, you know me. said...

I like to use my scraps as much as possible. I have them sorted in large zip-lock type bags. I like the "see-through-ness" of the bags as opposed to using boxes.

I have them sorted into plain paper, small and large and patterned paper, small and large. The large is anything large enough to mat a photo and small is anything smaller than that. (Clear as mud? Lol!)

I have the bags hanging on the wall above my desk. Easy to see and access and I use a lot more of my scraps this way.


{raisingAlexis} said...

Organize your alphas! This works for both brads and chipboard - any dimensional alphas.
I bought some of the 8-drawer units from the Container Store. Using rub-ons, I labeled each drawer with a letter. I also have one drawer for numbers and another for punctuation, etc.
Now all my A's are in one drawer, B's in the next, etc.


{raisingAlexis} said...

I use accordian files for all the flat embellies - one for all the run-ons (see earlier post), one for stickers, etc.
I group them by theme and it makes it easy to browse through what you have.
It also makes them very portable!


Ami said...

A new tip that I recently embraced is the new use for photo boxes.
I can usually get them on clearance at GArden Ridge.
My girls (10yo and 6yo) love to use them in their rooms to organize their "shtuff".
They can label them and decorate them to their hearts content.

D's Paper Studio said...

In my craft room I have two windows right near my work table. The blinds stay closed to keep out the sunshine, but I do use the curtain rods to hang clear plastic shoe holders and organize everything from stickers to die cuts to paint brushes. This clears a lot of stuff off my table.

D's Paper Studio said...

I keep a catch all plastic container under the further end of one of my tables. It holds odds and ends like my extra blades, extra book posts, old shape scissors, my painter's tape. Things I just don't use that often, but will use eventually.

D's Paper Studio said...

I purchased these wonderful little quilt hangers. They are small and you mount them to the wall and supposedly put your quilt in the holders and screw the hanger togeter to pressure hold them. I hang my layouts (in page protectors) on it. I can also add more layouts going down the wall by using small colored clips to add one layout to another. When I go back to Pigeon Forge in October I'm going to get a few more of these holders.

D's Paper Studio said...

Here's a funny one. I have a clock in my scrap room that the front opens up and has hooks in it. I hang my slide mounts on the hooks and I have room at the bottom to put small boxed items.

Anonymous said...

Okay...Here are my tips.

1. Un-mount all rubber stamps and place them in document containers and use acrylic blocks to stamp.

2. For pattern paper, I used a wire, cube shoe rack and bought a couple extra. I then zip tied shelves closer together and sorted the paper by color and season.

3. Bought a new shelving unit and am using baskets to sort and store.

4. Bought two 12x12 three drawer containers and sorted my CS scraps and pp scraps by color.

5. Tore out my favorite pages in my SB magazines and stored them in a binder.

6. Bought a 12x12 paper spinny rack from my LSS and store my magazines by month. They are always at my fingertips.

7. Bought a file holder and use it to store my 8 and 1/2 x 11 CS and sort by color.

I can't think of any more right now. HTH. Thanks!!

Colleen said...

My organizational ideas have changed over time, but here are a few of mine:
- make some of your own pages kits in large Ziploc bags and put them in a hanging folder
- create only 2 hanging folders for scraps: one pp and one cardstock as you're more likely to use them this way
- get a fishing/tackle box with all the little drawers for your embellies
- sort all the "extras" into categories for easy use (I use a big binder)
- get a AMM scrap caddy: my FAV!!
- have a photo box or something like it on your work space so you can throw the extras of things in to sort out again after rather than leaving them all over your desk
- Cropper Hopper vertical storage for paper!!!
- containers with other things you use a lot in easy access since if it's not easy to get to, you won't use it!

OK, I think that's enough for now!

Anonymous said...

8. For all of my little embellishments, I bought pill box like containers from Craft Mate.

9. I hung my spooled ribbon on wooden spools I bought from Wal-Mart and for the pieces, I wrapped them on thread cards and sorted them by color in a thread box (flat).

10. I put all my letter stickers in a large accordian file and sorted by color.

11. I bought a Coluzzle organizer and put all of my templates (shapeboss, coluzzle) and envelope makers in there.

12. I bought an over the door shoe holder and use it to store my punches, paint, embossing powder, etc...

13. New, unused pizza boxes work great for finished pages that aren't in an album (ones I did with no pictures that are waiting to be finished).

I post again if I think of more. :-)

Anonymous said...

14. Oh!! Always have a little bin for "returns" so they don't pile up on your desk.

15. I have 2 Traychics by CIS. They are perfect for alphabet stamp sets and stamp pads.

16. Fiskars makes a great holder (flat) for your decorative scissors.


Ami said...

Perhaps a personal/family organizational tip...
I had a big old zip up binder. I separated the sections for each kid and my dh and me.
I keep our papers organized in page protectors.
It is nice to have it all at my fingertips, especially with 2 kids in school.
The zipper part is good bc I can just store stuff in there until I find time to organize it where it goes.

I call it the Family Binder and the whole family knows about it.

Catherine said...

Not that I am very organized, but I keep all my tools close at hand organized by type in a basket within reach. Of course, don't look in the drawers or closets because you never know what might hit you!!

D's Paper Studio said...

Target sells an plastic storage draw (three high) that fits 12 x 12 paper. I organize my card stock by color schemes.

Don't forget the "Paint Rack" at AC Moores. It hold me paint for me and I can spin it around to get just the right shade!